Argentina: what has been the impact of the rise of the “platform economy” on entrenched notions of the gendered division of labour?
Published on August 21, 2023
•Grandes lignes : le podcast de la recherche sur le développement de l'AFD•According to the International Labour Office WESO 2021 report, the development of digital labour platforms has the potential to provide workers, including women, people with disabilities, young people and migrant workers with income-generating opportunities. In developing and emerging countries, location-based platforms are regarded as a promising source of work opportunities, but are also accompanied by some challenges.
Over the past few years, and in particular in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the labour conditions of location-based platforms’ workers have been subject to increased scrutiny. In the case of Argentina, how does the regulatory framework looks like? How does the regulatory framework matches to the particular needs of this segment of the workforce? In the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, what has been the impact of the rise of the “platform economy” on entrenched notions of the gendered division of labour?
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