#13-What does it mean to be an Arab Marxist ?Dialogue with the historian Fawwaz Traboulsi
In this new episode of Radio Marc Bloch, Saphe Shamoun, PhD candidate in anthropology at Columbia University and EUME fellow, together with Leyla Dakhli, CNRS researcher at the Centre Marc Bloch and the artists Bassem Saad and Joud Al-Tamimi, interview Fawwaz Traboulsi.
Fawwaz Traboulsi is a renowned historian, writer, translator and journalist. He has taught Political Science, International Affairs and History at the Lebanese American University and the American University of Beirut. His twenty books and numerous publications deal with history, liberation and social movements, political philosophy, memoirs, folklore and art. He has translated into Arabic Edward Said’s Out of Place (2003), Humanism and On Late Style (2015) as well as Antonio Gramsci’s Notes on Italian History (2017). Since 2012, Fawwaz Traboulsi is the editor of the quarterly cultural magazine Bidayat.
The episode was recorded after a conference Fawwaz Traboulsi gave in Berlin in May 2023 at the Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry. This conference took place in collaboration with the ERC programme DREAM, the Orient Institute of Beirut (OIB ), the research programme Europe in the Middle East (EUME), a nd the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO).
Due to the exceptional character of the conference and the multi-voice recording, this episode is a bit longer than usual...!
To know more about Traboulsi's recent work we recommend :
- A History of Modern Lebanon (2007, 2012)
- Al-Dimuqratiyah Thawra (Democracy is a Revolution) (2011)
- Hareer wa Hadeed (On Silk and Iron, From Mount Lebanon to the Suez Canal, 2013)
- Al-Tabaqat al-Ijtima’iyyah wa-l-Sulta al-Siyassiyyha fi Luban (Social Classes and Political Power in Lebanon, 2106)
- Damm al-Akhawayn. Al-`Unf Fil Hurub al_Ahliyah (On Violence in Civil Wars, 2017)
Sayks-Picot-Balfour: Ma wara’ al-Khara’it (The Sykes-Picot Agreement-Balfour Declaration: Looking Beyond the Maps, 2018)
· Leyla Dakhli is a full-tim e historian in the French Center for National Research (CNRS), presently settled in the Marc Bloch Center in Berlin where she leads the ERC programme DREAM
· Saphe Shamoun is PhD candi date in anthropology at Columbia University, currently an affiliated doctoral EUME fellow.
· Bassem Saad is a writer and artist based in Berlin.
· Joud Al-Tamimi is an artist and curator based between Amman and Berlin.
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