E16 Hot Take: Autism Cares Act (A Really Sad Iteration of Batman)
Welcome to our first Hot Take!
A short, sweet, saucy 30-minute rough cut of Rocco and Christy talking about current events that intersect with disability identity.
This time, it is the Autism CARES Act that was signed into law in the USA and puts $2 billion in funding in the hands of autistic people ... or does it? Listen in for more!
Please click this link to find the transcript for this podcast: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_FrlyZoUF2jOzs_tt--_yy0LobNFIv8ufSeVrjpeKi4/edit?usp=sharing
Christy and Rocco talk about the new funding for the Autism CARES Act and what this may mean for people with disabilities.
Here is an article that we reference for these updates on the “Disability Scoop” newsletter: https://www.disabilityscoop.com/2025/01/06/congress-authorizes-nearly-2-billion-for-autism/31233/
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If you would like to contact us directly, or want to share your thoughts about the topics in this episode, please email at disabilitytangent@gmail.com
Editing Lead: Christy Bloemendaal
Video Edits: Rocco Catrone
Time Stamps:
(Click on any of the following terms which are linked to more information)
00:30: Autism CARES Act (the policy itself): https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7213
01:21: FUTURE TANGENT EPISODE “Benefits to Billions”
01:38: Illinois Leadership in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (IL-LEND) Fellowship: https://www.illinoislend.org/
04:53: Disability Scoop general site: https://www.disabilityscoop.com/
05:21: Sen. Chris Smith ® N.J.: https://chrissmith.house.gov/
06:53: Medical and Social Models of Disability: https://odpc.ucsf.edu/clinical/patient-centered-care/medical-and-social-models-of-disability
08:34: Robin Linscott - Direction of the Arc of the United States: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robyn-linscott-303650179/
08:39: Arc of the United States: https://thearc.org/get-involved/join-arc/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=donate&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAp4O8BhAkEiwAqv2UqNihcdct14SFlWTZ-0f6RMBky_tUwB0VN-Q8FBtdSH_MRbVIVPYwhhoCaVYQAvD_BwE
09:08: “Service Cliff” reference to reduced care after 22 years of age: https://case.edu/socialwork/about/news/examining-service-cliff-youth-autism-and-their-family-caregivers
10:54: Past episode with Dr. Robin Arnall and Alexandra Elfers (Episode 5: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3IL2fa8QCaDb0WDOyqOLAD?si=ef6b34e95afe4b5c and Episode 6: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3IF227qwKvJG5VYF1Om2Oj?si=64ad3338017f4d94)
11:22: FUTURE EPISODE with Jae Jin Pak: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaejinpak/
11:47: FUTURE EPISODE with Dom Kelly of New Disabled South: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominic-edward-kelly/
11:51: New Disabled South (and Policy Tool): https://www.newdisabledsouth.org/
19:05: Active Listening (and Intercultural Listening) paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354620202_On_the_Importance_of_Listening_and_Intercultural_Communication_for_Actions_against_Racism
Listen on:
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2ajgOs5PJZD2gbs951o6ZV
Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-disability-tangent/id1733954513
We want to hear from you! Email us at disabilitytangent@gmail.com with stories, insight, comments, or questions.
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