00:00 / 28:56
Why is scientific research so crucial for EU chemicals regulation?
What does "regulatory relevance" mean and what is ECHA doing in this regard?
What kind of cooperation is the research community engaged in to support regulatory science and what is ECHA doing to raise their interest?
What is the Partnership from the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) project?
Key Areas of Regulatory Challenge report identifies needs for scientific research - what are these needs?
Specific examples of research areas where more focus is needed: neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity and endocrine disruption
Specific examples of research areas where more focus is needed: chemical pollution
Shifting away from animal testing: what is needed from the research community to make progress?
When will new scientific data become available for the different areas and how will it contribute to the safe use of chemicals?
Bridging the gap between scientific research and chemicals regulation
In this episode of the Safer Chemicals Podcast, we take you on a deep dive into the world of chemical safety with a spotlight on scientific research needs for the regulatory risk assessment of chemicals.
Päivi Jokiniemi speaks with ECHA's experts, Wim De Coen and Fleur van Broekhuizen, who give insights into the significance of scientific research in chemical regulation. Together, they explore the fundamental questions: Why is scientific research crucial for EU chemicals regulation, and what is ECHA doing to address the ever-evolving challenges in this field?
Learn why scientific research is the cornerstone of ECHA's efforts, enabling the identification of chemical hazards, assessment of risks, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
Get an inside look at ECHA's collaborative approach, where engagement with the scientific community is paramount. Understand how ECHA actively cooperates with researchers, fostering dialogue and knowledge exchange to drive chemical safety.
Explore the Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC), an initiative that allocates substantial funding to research projects aimed at enhancing regulatory practices and improving chemical safety.
Discover the key areas of regulatory challenge highlighted in ECHA's recent report and gain insights into how increased scientific research can provide better protection against harmful chemicals, address chemical pollution in the natural environment, shift away from animal testing, and improve the availability of chemical data.
Wim works as a head of unit in our Hazard Assessment Directorate and Fleur in the team coordinating ECHA's activities under PARC.Â
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