Making rainbow waves

"There is a lot more visibility and people being able to be themselves": the Guyana Together Campaign

00:00 / 22:40

Season 1,

8 episodes

"There is a lot more visibility and people being able to be themselves": the Guyana Together Campaign

23 min left

"We are lesbians and we have rights": a conversation with Gulzada Serzhan (Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative "Feminita")


"Human rights are our shared idea": Celebrating the 10th anniversary of ILGA World's United Nations programme


"We are part of humanity": a conversation about the importance of trans depathologisation


"I hope for a community centre of our own": a conversation with Enkhmaa Enkhbold (LGBT Centre Mongolia)


It gets better, and we should accept nothing less than that: a conversation with Brian Wenke (It Gets Better Project)


Pride is how you choose to express: a conversation with Julian Sanjivan (InterPride)


How laws and policies impact on trans persons' lives
