🇺🇸 #9 Men and women : a common quest for meaning at work
Too often, in order to develop gender diversity and professional equality, decision makers ask themselves how to « help women ».
Happy Men Share More believes that, except at the margins, this is not the issue and that only a universal approach to the needs and aspirations of men and women at work can generate real progress.
Today, I will shed light on this subject and will do so in three stages:
First, I will propose a framework for understanding the needs of men and women for meaning at work.
We will then see that although these needs are the same for men and women, the company does not respond in the same way to men and women, and that without knowing it, and without wanting to, its operations penalize certain employee profiles, statistically more women than men.
Finally, we will see that progress is at the crossroads of two wills: Organizational and managerial excellence of the company that allows for true inclusion (and not just in words!) and the commitment of each person, at his or her level, to emancipate themselves from standardized operations that have no real reason to exist.
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