🇺🇸 #8 Are stereotypes really a key to progress on gender equality?
One of the many advantages of the issue of gender equality is that it is an opportunity to become aware of the weight of our representations on our behaviour. And to discover the cultural and anthropological wealth that governs our identities as men and women, at work and elsewhere. It is therefore definitely a professional subject, but one that is particularly personally involving.
For Happy Men & Women Share More, the famous stereotypes about men and women are indeed a key to understanding discrimination, but they are not a magic wand, and we would be more efficient if we questioned the objective gendered norms that govern the functioning of the company.
In order to address this vast subject of stereotypes in a synthetic way, I will first give some basic references on the cognitive bias of stereotypes.
Next, we will review the main stereotypes about men and women at work that impact on both their career paths.
Finally, we will ask ourselves if this is really the issue.
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