🇺🇸 #5 Quotas without handcuffs: how can you prepare?
After a unanimous vote in the French Assembly on the 12th of May, France is on the verge of adopting the principle of quotas for women in corporate management bodies.
The companies that will be really disturbed by this measure are those that will not have been able to build a sufficiently mixed talent pool to make nominations on the basis of skills and ability for the position of leader, rather than on the basis of gender.
These companies run the risk of being confronted with the two main perverse effects of quotas, namely discrimination against men prepared for these positions and doubt about the legitimacy of the women appointed under these conditions. This is a major risk of demobilization, discouragement, anger and injustice, which can break the pact of trust established between the company's management and its employees, both men and women.
How can one deal constructively with this new constraint and make it a lever for performance and meaning at work for all employees, men and women?
We propose 3 points of analysis.
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