🇺🇸#17 Freedom, trust, equality : why are these 3 words the implicit motto of excellent managers?
When we started working on the subject of professional equality between men and women, some fifteen years ago, we did not do so just for women, even though we noted the objective situations of inequality between men and women at work.
What captivated us was the immediate conviction that this subject had the potential of an Archimedean lever and that, thanks to it, we would be able to tell any company: "Give me gender diversity, and I will make your company a model of performance".
The challenge of gender diversity invites leaders and managers to decipher the world of work, to identify and then enter into the hard core of corporate cultures most often originally developed by men and for men. And from there to initiate the changes necessary for a more inclusive culture for women, which also opens up to a more inclusive culture for all men whose way of life and work does not correspond, or no longer corresponds, to the traditional model. This is where lies the diamond of gender diversity and professional equality between men and women: starting from a reflection on the inequalities suffered by women, becoming aware of the extent to which a great diversity of talents is wasted in the organization of work as we know it today. This awareness is the gateway to the new performance model I mentioned earlier.
A genuine commitment to more professional equality at work is a sure way to improve the quality of one's management. To put it differently, the more inclusive leaders and managers are, the better they perform by maximising the expression and development of all the talents around them. This inclusion is first and foremost the result of a dynamic of freedom and trust that is anchored in a series of small internal shifts.
I am going to suggest two levers of managerial progress, directly generated by the issue of gender equality and linked to the conquest of more freedom and trust
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