🇺🇸#16 Men's and women's careers: There is ambition and ambition...
Many managers, committed to advancing gender equality in their teams, experience recurrent setbacks from talented women whose career development they had personally wanted to support.
"She was offered a great job, but she refused
"The job opened up, she didn't even apply
"She said she forgot to apply
"She didn't even apply".
This puts a coin back into the stereotype machine: "women are less ambitious than men", and so on and so forth". Yes, but it must be admitted that this kind of attitude is less common among men!
Ambition is a universal subject but it is subtly different from one individual to another, with objectively a certain number of recurrences depending on whether one is a man or a woman. It is a particularly interesting subject to shed light on, in order to better understand the issues involved in improving women's access to the various levels of responsibility and power.
In order to do this, Happy Men Share More offers you in this podcast a journey in 3 steps:
- What is ambition? We will take the time to define the subject properly, in order to remove anything that might pollute the discussion.
- Then we will see how the company mobilises the ambition of each person and we will ask ourselves whether the models of success it proposes are equally suitable for all its employees, especially men and women.
- Finally, we will try to define some very concrete keys to specifically support women's ambition
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