🇺🇸#29 Is self-confidence a skill for success or a performance standard? We decipher the feeling of imposture.
Who hasn't felt illegitimate at least once in their career? Doubts about your skills, the feeling that you don't deserve your place, the fear of being found out... it is estimated that 70% of the population is or has been confronted with a feeling of imposture, a malaise that is particularly prevalent in the world of work.
A specific variant of the lack of self-confidence, the feeling of imposture is one of the internal obstacles to a professional career, often mentioned to explain the differences in progression between men and women.
Individual coaching is the main response to this feeling of powerlessness, but Happy Men & Women Share More wants to look at the collective dimension of this supposed lack of self-confidence among women, in the belief that a truly inclusive organisation must be able to help neutralise this internal glass ceiling, for the good of all employees.
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