Leadership Lessons: Clarify Vision & Tell Authentic Stories
An essential part of a leader’s job is setting a grand vision for the organization and imbuing its people with a shared purpose. That goes for any organization, whether it be a church or a higher ed institution.
Dr. Mark Jobe, President at Moody Bible Institute, has experience leading both.
In this episode, he shares what he's learned about leadership over the course of his career, including why clarifying vision and purpose is so important.
We discuss:
- How Dr. Jobe frames leadership in terms of growth and impact
- The importance of proactively telling authentic stories
- The Vision Script Initiative
Mentioned during the podcast:
- Solving For the Right Things in the Right Way: IU Strategies to Retain Students w/ Eleanor Berman
- How To Win The Loyalty of Your Students w/ Exceptional University Offerings w/ Ethan Braden
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