Outerblue Talks Green - Attaining Net zero: issues, implications and investment opportunities
While carbon emissions have been slowly increasing despite efforts to bring them down, “net zero” commitments, on the other hand, have skyrocketed. Setting climate objectives used to be the domain of public institutions, but no more.
This first episode of a series of podcasts produced by Amundi on topical ESG themes is going to explore the topic of Net Zero, based on two papers written and published by Amundi’s ESG experts.
If you want to read the full research papers click below:
ESG Thema #1 - Introduction to Net Zero
ESG Thema #3 - How can investors contribute to Net Zero efforts?
DISCLAIMER:This podcast is only for the attention of “Professional” investors as defined in Directive 2004/39/EC dated 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments (“MIFID”), investment services providers and any other professional of the financial industry. Views are subject to change and should not be relied upon as investment advice on behalf of Amundi.
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.