🇺🇸#21 We must understand what sexism is if we want to protect a treasure: the quality of relations between men and women at work
We never work alone and human relations are the essence of our work.
· We work for people: our boss, our manager, our clients, our customers, for society...
· We work with people: our colleagues, our suppliers, our councils, state representatives...
· We work thanks to people: thanks to our employees, thanks to the people who trained us, thanks to those who created our companies, invented the technologies we use, chartered our means of transport, but also thanks to those who take care of our children, who look after us, protect us, etc.
For Happy Men & Women Share More sexism is a delicate subject because it is often rooted in the unconscious. A non-polemical approach and angle of attack are therefore essential: in this way a fruitful dialogue can be established, rather than a wholesale rejection provoked by aggressiveness or accusation. We therefore seek to raise the necessary awareness, yes, but without anathemas, without setting men and women against each other, by cultivating an awareness of the very human complexity of relations between men and women, which is the source of our torments but also of our joys.
I will offer three lines of thought in this podcast:
· We will first take the measure of this new sensitivity to the subject of sexism, which feeds hypermediatized news, in a very often polemical way – with little nuance.
· We will then see that sexism is, in companies, a really serious, insidious, powerful destroyer of meaning at work for many women.
· Finally, we will understand that it is no longer possible to neglect the subject of sexism because it now involves the legal responsibility of the company and its directors and managers.
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