🇺🇸 #20 There is no magic wand for professional equality! From misconceptions to a confrontation with reality.
There is no magic wand for professional equality! From misconceptions to a confrontation with reality.
Professional equality is a complex subject because it involves our different personal, family, cultural and ideological frames of reference, our most deeply rooted work habits and a societal background that is not always peaceful.
Faced with this complexity, a number of operational responses have been developed to achieve professional equality in the company, often with the temptation to see them as the magic wand that would finally bring about significant progress.
But companies are the place par excellence for confronting reality. They constantly test these different responses. And when the results are insufficient or slow, they are led to explore new approaches in order to become increasingly anchored in a coherence, in realism and in neutrality and that will enable real progress to be made which will benefit everyone.
We can illustrate this with 4 misconceptions about professional equality that invite us to take the path of confrontation with reality:
1 -Change women
2 - Change men
3 - Destroy stereotypes
4 - Establish quotas /
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