🇺🇸#25 Is the difficult access of women to power a fatality?
Today, women represent 49% of the working population, 42% of executives, 20% of senior managers, 22% of the Executive and management committees of the 120 largest French companies. 3 women in France are now CEOs of CAC 40 companies. The evaporation of women from the spheres of decision and power is a reality and the RIXAIN quotas in France voted at the end of 2021 pushed companies to the wall. How can we reach the objective set, i.e. 30% of the management bodies in 2027, 40% in 2030?
For Happy Men & Women Share More, the progress of gender diversity requires a profound revolution in practices and behaviors at all levels of the company, but the ultimate problem of access to power crystallizes a certain number of contradictions. Will the men and women in power today be able and willing to change the rules of the game that allowed them to conquer their own power?
To address this topic, I will proceed in 3 steps:
- We will first see how men and women are not objectively equal in conquering power.
- We will then see how an inclusive revolution is a key to fostering the emergence of female talent AND AMBITIONS.
- We will finally ask ourselves if this inclusive revolution can reach the spheres of power.
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